Former Cooper Cameron Iron Works Facility
SKA was retained to conduct environmental investigation and remediation activities on a 7.5-acre portion of the former Cooper Cameron Iron Works Facility located in Houston, Harris County, Texas. The former Cameron Iron Works Facility was initially developed in 1944 where metal was forged and oil-field tools were manufactured on the site until the 1980s. The cleanup of the 7.5-acre subject property was completed to a residential land-use scenario utilizing the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rules (30 TAC § 350) within the TCEQ’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).
The 7.5-acre subject property consisted of a former serpentine lagoon, a former waste burn area, a former cooling water pond, and a wastewater treatment area. Previous environmental studies conducted by others identified petroleum hydrocarbon and metals impacts to soils in four areas of concern on the 7.5-acre subject property. SKA installed additional soil borings in the areas of concern to complete the horizontal and vertical delineation in accordance with the TRRP rules. Upon successful delineation of the shallow soil impacts, SKA prepared a Response Action Plan (RAP) on behalf of the Client proposing removal (excavation) of the impacted soil in the four areas of concern. A fifth soil excavation area in the former cooling water pond was proposed for aesthetic reasons. Remedial activities consisted of the excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 12,000 cubic yards of impacted soils. The testing results of 87 confirmation soil samples verified that all chemicals of concern had been removed from the areas of concern.
The TCEQ VCP approved SKA’s Response Action Completion Report (RACR) which summarized the soil remedial activities conducted on the 7.5-acre subject property and requested regulatory closure. In February 2007, the TCEQ VCP issued a Phased Conditional Certificate of Completion for residential land-use for this project site.